Harvard Mom
In the midst of finals, I turned in a paper and decided to be decadent and buy some anti-virus software. All semester, I've been ignoring these little boxes that open up on my laptop that warn me that my computer is about to explode. Is it another hoax? So I headed over to the Harvard Co-op (read bookstore - it's not really a co-op - of course, Barnes and Noble manage it. It figures). Anyway, while there, I realized that I couldn't leave this great ol' institution without buying some overpriced Harvard branded gear. I particularly thought my parents would be proud to wear some. I rememberd buying them some cheesy "Duke Mom/Dad" sweatshirts. I couldn't resist looking at the Harvard version. Of course, they were much more sophisticated and subtle. As I was contemplating a purchase, I thought, wait a minute, I'm a Harvard Mom, aren't I?
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