Monday, February 26, 2007

how do teachers do it?

I am so overwhelmed with teaching this class - I love it, but it is sucking as much time as all of my other classes combined. So much planning, responding to students, coordinating with the team, etc. etc. Just got my facebook printout of the students in my class - we meet for the first time tomorrow - bummer, the only AfAm student in the class dropped out, though I'm sure that reflects the general student body. I'm already getting questions about turning things in late, missing class, etc. - tough to balance being sympathetic but also a hardass - just like being a parent!

It's almost 1am and I need to go to bed!

It was such a joy being with the kids tonight - they are so much fun and so grounding for me. They are both at adorable stages - Kalian is talking up a storm and is so playful. Yesterday, Chris and Liam made a Chinese dragon out of a box and some fabric. We went to the Chinese New Year celebration in Chinatown - definitely not as big as SF, but still nice to get out. I was a wimp about the cold beforehand, but fortunately it stayed in the high 30s - wahoo!. Anyway, we were all playing with our homemade dragon, which Liam decided was actually a lion. After we were done, Kalian made the sound for more and growled, "more ROAR"

It snowed today! Thank god, I was really feeling gipped.

Today, though, was totally insane - crammed for my socialnetworking class, attended it, printed some readings out, attended a web 2.o/democracy talk, met my buds for lunch, met my study group for stats, went to my moral leadership class and then at 6pm rushed home for the kids. i somehow managed to check and reply to uber e-mail about my soc class in the midst of all of this - too much multi-tasking.


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