Thursday, July 19, 2007

full-time mom

I continue to be stumped why I don't have as much motivation to blog as I did last year - I have much more time this summer, but I am just not as inspired. Maybe the contrasts with motherhood and my academic/Hahvad identity clashed so much that it gave me more fodder to write. I'm in such a supportive motherhood environment here - though it was interesting yesterday talking to a woman about to take the bar exam -we were discussing how corporate law dominates the exam/law school for her, and I relayed similar experiences at the K-school last year - and then, all of a sudden, I thought Liam might have to go poop. I paused and laughed at how that disconnect between motherhood and studenthood was so strong last year, and I have found myself grooving back into the mommy role so quickly. It's just been so long that I almost felt like I had to censure myself from saying, "poop."

I also think it's because I got so burnt out - I somehow kept up with so much last year, and now I'm allowing myself to be lazy - with blogging, returning e-mails, etc. Though I definitely feel like I'm over a hump - the first month back was kind of a mellow, partially b/c we didn't unpack our boxes as we considered moving in with some friends to make our lives more community-oriented. But now I feel like I only have a month left before school starts, and I'm starting to figure out what I can actually "accomplish" this summer - from organizing the house to getting Liam set up with therapy/classes to childcare for Kalian, not to mention starting the hefty reading list we were sent for my coursework this fall. But then I remember that what I really want to do is simply spend time with the kids.

We had a nice time today - we're having a "home" day - I'm trying to keep him home on Fridays from preschool to make Mickey's a little easier - that will be the one benefit of next year only having care mon-thurs. I actually did yoga while the kids played this morning - with only about 25 breaks in my practice to get playdough out, attach string as a powerline, get snacks, etc. etc. Then I finally started organizing their room. I really have this strong nesting instinct/responsibility I feel to do before this fall becomes totally insane. It's really nice to have a mellow day with the kids, especially in light of everthing happening in North Carolina - dad not well and H having her court hearing today.


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