Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Liam is Born Again

Liam has been really into playing this game where he says, “mom, I want to be born-again.” He wants to re-enact me giving birth – things I must include in the scenario:
1. calling the midwife
2. waiting for him to tell me he’s ready to be born (he hides under the bed)
3. I have to sit on the bed right over where he is.
4. when he tells me he’s ready I have to stand up turn around and lean over, just like I did when 5. I pushed out him (and kalian) – and grunt a bit
6. when he comes out from underneath the bed I have to pick him up and yell, “It’s a boy!”
7. I have to then tell him, “you’re bloody – let me wrap you up in a blanket”
8. I swaddle him in a big blanket and cuddle him

ok, life isn't so bad - and, plus, it's helping me deal with my baby fever.


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