Friday, October 19, 2007

perfect timing in the universe.

Great timing. Chris is flew to Toronto Tuesday, the same day we got an e-mail from Kalian's preschool saying they have to shut down for the rest of the week because of illness. We had agreed that when the kids are sick, that he would stay home with them since he has sick days. While I've been cranky about the situation and love to reply to the "how are you" from friends with frustration - I also see the comedy in it. We have every detail of our lives focused on that magical balancing act of our house of cards. Did everything fall apart when that card was pulled out from under me? Not quite.

Fortunately, it was actually OK timing. I had just stayed up Sunday night to finish a fellowship proposal and didn't have anything major due this week. More importantly, our community pulled through, as usual. Mickey took Liam to martial arts on Wed, one of the parents of Kalian's classmates offered to watch Kalian during my classes on Wed, and the husband of Kalian's babysitter watched her yesterday. Yes, we made the right decision to come back to the Bay Area - granted, this type of community could happen anywhere and in fact, Kalian's Wednesday playdate was at the home of parents I had just briefly met at a picnic. In fact, when I went to pick her up, she commented how surprised she was that we were willing to drop our kids off at her house when we didn't even know them. She and her husband had surmised that it was because we were second time parents and that kalian was so mellow. Yeah, that's part of it, I guess, we're also kind of desperate - or maybe a better way to put it is that we trust the universe.

Maybe that Family Mediatation Day at Spirit Rock paid off after all. Yeah, but I can't wait til Chris gets back tomorrow!


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