Tuesday, August 07, 2007

pooping, picture, preschools and proposals

Hannah to Liam while he's putting a pull-up on for #2

H: Why are you still pooping in a diaper?

L: Because I'm supposed to.

H: But you're bigger than me.

L: I have to because otherwise I can't get it out.

Ah, EC is the only way to go!

So, this morning, Liam was at preschool camp and Kalian was at her new preschool. I had planned to finally deal with our family photos and put up some of our pictures, wall hangings, etc., but then I thought I should get started on these fellowship proposals for graduate school - but then I got an e-mail response from a preschool query. So, I decided to abandon the martha stewart photo idea as a low priority and kept toggling back and forth from researching these national science foundation fellowships to preschools for Kalian - ah, in the life of an academic mom....


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