Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday Monday

My day consisted of a macro-economics class describing the wonders of the free market, calculus class nalyzing profit maximization with second derivatives, microeconomics class attacking taxation, lunch while debating the former Guatemala state dept. official on Cuban economic policy, doing my calculus homework (so I had to skip the globalization lecture), and then an excel workshop on more profit maximization functions. Ah, a day in the life of a cog in the capitalist wheel of education at the K school. It's quite stunning, really, that the whole summer program has as its underpinning the fundamentals of market capitalism. I'm both fascinated with learning the nuts and bolts of this oppressive system, as well as repulsed with the infrastructure and assumptions at school.

Chris and I continue to try and tweak our schedule...mostly trying to figure out our individual work out times. Chris had wanted to go to the gym this morning, but I had this dreadfully early macro econ class this morning at 7.45, and I was worried that this would mean Chris would have to leave at 5.30, and I would be awake again super early with Kalian- and struggle to stay awake in class. Chris graciously agreed to work out tonight. Of course, Kalian didn't wake up til 7am this morning, and I barely made it to class.

Got a very sweet e-mail from Stacy today about how quality time with your kids is just being there for them. It made me very weepy. I miss my community. Liam misses everyone and wanted Eliana to come over and play today.

I do like Mondays, though, when I'm doing what makes me happy.


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