it's so easy going to school
ah, the stress of the morning rush...i try to sleep a few more winks after getting up at 3.45 am with Kalian...Chris got up with her at 6.30am...Liam wanting more ama and then wanting me to read a book to him. i need to get out of bed to make my 8.40 class. oh, but kalian comes in for a little more breastfeeding. then, i find my way out of bed scrounging for breakfast - ah, yummy quiche that chris made last night. but what to pack for lunch? i throw in a leftover yogurt container, 1/2 an apple, a few carrots, some walnuts and soy cheese.
i sit down to eat my quiche. "more water, mommy," "iwada" says kalian about my quiche. i give her half of mine. i finish mine. she throws hers on the floor. should i heat up some more for me? nope, no time 'cuz liam wants me to play firefighter with him. we go into the living room and roll up the fire house (some string) and put it into our firetruck (the couch) as we take off for a fire. we put out three fires before i have to jump in the shower - ah, morning decadence.
yesterday, kalian was crying for me while taking a shower with the door shut, so today i leave the door open. she senses i'm getting ready to leave, so she wants in - plus, she loves baths, she fusses until i see her step on the potty stool which has found its way next to the sink. she wants to turn on the water - she loves playing with water - so i do a dumb lazy parent thing - i move the stool in front of the sink, so she can play in the water. i get in the shower with the curtain half open so i can keep an eye on her. she does fall twice, fortunately not onto the toilet and cracking her head open. water wasting. oh, well, i got to take a shower and "watch" kalian while chris scrambles to get liam and himself ready to take him to preschool and then to work on his shift at co-op.
i try to get dressed but kalian sees my amas and wants more. i distract her. i let her suck on the toothpaste tube for a second while i get dressed and then revert to being a more "responsible" parent and actually find a way to take it away from her without her freaking out (giving her other appealing toys). i get dressed and find kalian eating toothpaste again. i take it out of her hand. hmmm..i wonder if kalian needs to go potty. oh, well, gotta get her dressed. i know chris wants me to stay to throw them in the car but i'll be late to class. i selfishly leave.
the 20 minute walk to class slowly melts my stress, though now i won't have time to print the paper that's do after my first class. oh, well, i walk into my quantitative methods and empirical statistics class - ah, utter relaxation.